Business Development Consultations

Business Development Consultations

Business Development Consuktations

Concerned with the analytical preparation of potential growth opportunities for the senior management or board of directors as well as the subsequent support and monitoring of its implementation.

Both in the development phase and the implementation phase, we collaborate and integrate the knowledge and feedback from the organization’s specialist functions, for example , R&D ,  production , marketing, and sales to assure that the organization is capable of implementing the growth opportunity successfully.

Tools to address the business development tasks are the business models answering “how do we make money” and its analytical backup and roadmap for implementation the business plan.

Upon client’s request we manage and analyze the CRM-database (customer relationship management) to produce sales management information (MI).

Such MI could include:

  • Reasons for wins / losses.
  • Progress of opportunities in relation to the sales process.
  • Top performing sales people / sales channels.
  • Sales of services / products.


  • Design & Build your website whether it’s Static, Dynamic or Flash
  • Idea Maker
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Developing , Coding


  • Domain name
  • Hosting package
  • Content management for dynamic website
  • Technical support
  • Traffic status
  • Security status
  • Content monitor & supervision.
  • Social Media campaigns
  • Mail shot campaign
  • Social Media channels management
  • Ads on other Sites.
  • SMS campaign.
  • WhatsApp campaign